Sunday, December 23, 2012

Today's To-Do

This week started out stellar but I definitely have a little catching up to do today (remember that time I accidentally slept until 11 yesterday? Whoops). Here's what's on my agenda:
  1. Hatha Flow @ 9:30 am: Check!
  2. Decadent pancake breakfast with Dan: Check!
  3. Finish and print Grammy's book (Dear Christmas Miracle, I need you now)
  4. Wrap gifts
  5. 2-mile run
  6. Yoga Nidra
  7. Make real meal #2 of the week
  8. Finish up my Christmas shopping after hours tonight at lululemon
Time to quit blogging and get to work, eek!

p.s. Making Christmas cookies is out the window today because I used my bonus sweet cheat Friday night at a friends holiday party when I spotted these bad boys (thank you Stephanie for making my Christmas dreams come true). My friend and old roomie Marissa used to make them all the time and we always referred to them as "bad girl crackers" in our house. Enough said, right? Totally worth it.

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