Sunday, December 9, 2012


Picture It: It's 9am, I check my email from bed to see if I got into the 9:30 yoga class I was on the wait list for, which sadly, I did not. Before the depression began to set in, I hopped out of bed and threw my running clothes on so at least I'd get some sort of movement in. Right as I was lacing up my sneakers—no literally, the exact moment—my friend Ashley called asking if I wanted to go for a run with her.

YES. Serendipity at its finest.

Immediately upon returning home from our brief little 5 mile jaunt (which I'll definitely be feeling tomorrow...and probably the next day too), I rolled out my mat and put on a "Yoga For Runners" class from Yoga Today which made my poor little out-of-shape muscles feel a lot better. Today was a good day, especially for hitting my weekly goals.

So, for my 7 Golden Rules of Christmas, here's how I fared for Week 1:
  1. Yoga Practice: My goal was 4 classes, but I only made it out to 3. I did sign up for a 4th, but was a the weather on Saturday morning and didn't end up making it out. Shame on me. Because of this though, I'm (happily) sentencing myself to 5 classes this week. 
  2. Yoga Nidra: Goal was 2 times and that I did.
  3. Meditation: My goal was every day, my actual was..let's just say, I need to really focus on this one this week.
  4. Running: Hit my goal for this, woohoo!
  5. Cooking: Hit the goal for this one too.
  6. No Sweets: I was pretty on point with this one, however I may have snuck a single Hershey Kiss once or twice. Whatever though, it's still a win in my book because I turned down many cupcakes and candy over the course of the week.
  7.  Credit Card Freeze: It's still in there enjoying its winter hibernation.
My goal for Week 2 is to make every single goal. Can I do this? Yes I can!

And in other news, one thing I actually do love about the holidays is decorating. I did a lot of little things around the house earlier in the week, but today we finally got our tree (and of course busted out the menorah—this is a cashew household after all).

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